Brad Paisley admits he had bad, bad advice about Chris Lane’s “Big, Big Plans”
ABC/Image Group LA Chris Lane planned what he believed was the perfect proposal for his girlfriend Lauren Bushnell, writing and recording the song “Big, Big Plans” to play for her in her parents’ backyard on Father’s Day. But his current tour mate Brad Paisley didn’t think it was such a great idea.
“I had some friends on the [tour] bus, and they were all like, ‘That sounds pretty awesome,’” Brad tells People. “And I’m like, ‘Don’t do that.’”
“I’m glad he didn’t listen to me, because it worked out great,” he adds.
When Brad proposed to his wife Kimberly Williams-Paisley more than sixteen years ago, he approached it very differently.
“I surprised her, and we were completely alone out on the end of a pier in Venice in Los Angeles,” he recalls. “Nobody could really see us, and that was a safety net — in case she took off running down the pier.”
Ultimately, Brad believes Chris will make a great husband.
“I don’t give a lot of marital advice to people,” Brad says, “other than a sense of humor is probably the key. And he’s great at that.”
“Chris is a nut,” he adds, “and getting to know him this year, I had no idea what a sort of free spirit, crazy guy he is. I think that kind of sense of humor will serve him well in his marriage.”
This weekend, Brad, Chris, and Riley Green continue their tour, with stops in Birmingham, Alabama; Indianapolis, Indiana; and Cincinnati, Ohio.
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