Nominate a Charity for Credit For A Cause
What charity you love deserves a little extra cash this month?
Free Country and Fitness Premier 24/7 Clubs are giving Credit For A Cause. Each month we’ll be giving a local charity a cash donation for the good work they are doing in our community. But we need your help for nominations!
Tell us about your favorite charity and maybe we’ll be giving your charity this month’s Credit For A Cause!!
February Recipient: LWSRA
(Lincolnway Special Recreation Association) of New Lenox, IL
LWSRA offers a wide variety of quality programs including participation in Special Olympics Illinois, Paralympic sports, social programs, trips, special events, summer camps, after school care and adult daytime activities. LWSRA’s mission is to provide recreation and leisure services for individuals with physical or intellectual disabilities while promoting greater disability awareness in the community.
Brought to you by Fitness Premier Health Clubs 17 locations across Illinois and Indiana!