The Mayo Clinic released research on how fit the average person at a certain age should be. When looking at measures of fitness, these are the key areas: aerobic fitness, muscle strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition.

Bobby Bones put the show members to the test when it came to muscle strength and endurance. The Mayo Clinic measures this one by how many push-ups you can do at your age. They said on average these are how many push-ups a healthy individual should be able to accomplish at the specified age:

  • 25 years of age: women – 20, men – 28
  • 35 years of age: women – 19, men – 21
  • 45 years of age: women – 14, men – 16

Amy (early 40s) was up first on the test, and she was able to do 14, and got one extra. Lunchbox (early 40s) went next, he thought he would only be able to do 4 but he was able to accomplish 13 push-ups. Amy said this data proves that she is stronger than Lunchbox.