This time of year you’ll find lots of new people on dating sites, but did you ever wonder what exactly you should put in your profile to try and land a date? Marketwatch spoke to dating app Match and found users who mentioned a local adventure or a travel hotspot were more likely to get a response. More than half of the top 20 words mentioned in profiles that increased response rates were related to travel. For instance, those who mentioned Tuscany were 934% more likely than average to get a response. A spokesman for match tells Marketwatch, “The big trend is local activities and travel destinations. Singles are currently motivated to immediately connect over past, current and aspirational experiences they share with their potential match.” Representatives from Hinge and Tinder also confirmed travel was trendy among their users. Here’s more from MarketWatch.
Yesterday (January 6th), which was the first Sunday of the new year, is known as the year’s busiest online dating day and is called “Dating Sunday” or “Singles Sunday.” Cyber-dating expert Julie Spira told USA Today, “It’s the perfect trifecta. You have people recovering from a breakup or who were down during the holidays, you have all those New Year’s resolutions, and you have the clock ticking down to Valentine’s Day.” Sundays always tend to be the busiest day of the week for online dating, and experts say that it spikes up to 75 percent on Dating Sunday. Spira and Ph.D student Skyler Wang, who studies online dating, offered some tips for standing from the crowd in online dating as the new year begins.
Start fresh – Replace outdated photos.
Update your bio – Include new info, such as new hobbies, and mention your dream travel destination, because talking about travel spots tends to get a lot of responses.
Use multiple apps – Using at least three apps will help maximize your chances of finding romance.
Don’t play hard to get – This isn’t the time to play coy. If you’re interested in someone, communicate with them, exchange number and start setting a date to meet. (USA Today)